

This endpoint provides similar data to your Insight dashboard. It can be used to display calculated data in your own admin dashboard or website.

Get Insight

GET https://api.loglib.io/v1/insight


startDatestringThe start date of the data to retrieve. Format: YYYY-MM-DDT00:00:00 //by default it'll be a year ago
endDatestringThe end date of the data to retrieve. Format: YYYY-MM-DDT00:00:00 //by default it'll be today
timeZonestringThe timezone to use for the data. Format: Continent/City //by default it'll be UTC
apiKeystringAPI key of the website you want to fetch. You can create one it in your dashbaord.


{ insight: { uniqueVisitors: { current: number; change: number; //this is a change from comparable time range in the past. } totalPageViews: { current: number; change: number; } averageTime: { current: string; change: number; } bounceRate: { current: number; change: number; } newVisitors: { current: number; change: number; } returningVisitor: { current: number; change: number; } } data: { pages: { page: string; visits: number; } []; devices: { device: string; visits: number; } []; referrer: { referrer: string; visits: number; referrerDomain: string; } []; locations: { city: { location: string; visits: number; country: string; } []; country: { location: string; visits: number; } []; } os: { os: string; visits: number; } []; browser: { browser: string; visits: number; } []; utmSources: { utmSource: string; visits: number; } []; utmCampaigns: { utmCampaign: string; visits: number; } []; onlineVisitors: number; } graph: { uniqueVisitorsByDate: { date: string; visits: number; } []; uniqueSessionByDate: { date: string; visits: number; } []; } }